HVAC Services for Schools & Universities in Houston
Neva Corporation is a Houston based Commercial HVAC Service Company with a team of highly skilled technicians and a proven track record of solving air conditioning problems at schools and universities, as well as other industries, for the last 40 years. Our service company’s focus and strengths are in maintenance, repair, replacement, and building control automation.
Neva prides itself on being able to provide “A Service Tailored to Fit Every Customer’s Needs!”

The Neva® Difference
A:On-Site Assesment
First and foremost, Our Service Manager walks through and performs an on-site assessment. After the walk through our service manager and the customer contact will agree upon the nature of the industrial refrigeration or commercial air conditioning problem.

B: Detailed Product Service Agreement
Our detailed product Service Agreement is fully transparent, outlining the full scope of work, materials required, and pricing.
C: Qualified Technician + Service Manager + Full Circle
We will then assign the right technician - with specific product experience and expertise-who oprates under the direct supervision of the Service Manager
Whether you are a large petrochemical company, a commercial management company or an industrial manufacturer, you can depend on Neva®'s experienced, skilled service technicians to provide customized, tailored service designed to fit your unique needs.
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